Friday, October 8, 2010

Song of the Water Boatman & Other Pond Poems by Joyce Sidman

Come join me as we visit a pond through lyrical poems, informative sidebars and illustrations to match.

What I thought: Another great collection from Sidman. I love the research and thought she puts into her books. She doesn't just write a poem about a duck. She researches the animal so she can write knowledgeably about it and then share what she learned. I've never observes a pond, but this collection makes me want to. I has no idea of the minutia of the ecosystem. I loved the illustrations. Woodblock is so classy.

My favorite poems are "Listen for Me" (such a judicious use of repetition) and "A Small Green Riddle" (I can't resist riddle poems and I didn't know the answer!).

(Illus. Beckie Prange. Houghton Mifflin, 2005)

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